Quick start

This section will guide you through QED functionality.

Mainly, you can add events to QED, ask for the proof that an event has been inserted, ask for the proof that two events are consistent between each other, and verify (manual or automatically) each of both proofs.

For each step we will use the QED CLI facility. The client will talk to the QED server and the snapshot store, so it must be configured for that proposal.


To use the qed_client command using docker (and forget about installing golang -among other stuff-), do the following:

$ alias qed_client='docker run -it --net=docker_default bbvalabs/qed:v1.0.0-rc2 qed client --endpoints http://qed_server_0:8800 --snapshot-store-url http://snapshotstore:8888 --log info'

Don’t hesitate to check the qed_client help facility when necessary.

$ qed_client -h
$ qed_client <command> -h  # Where command=(add, get, membership, incremental)


In production deployments, the following variables are required, and you need to configure it. But, for this quickstart, we will use pre-defined values, so you don’t need to configure it for now.

--endpoints           string  REST QED Log service endpoint list http://ip1:port1,http://ip2:port2...  (default [])
--snapshot-store-url  string  REST Snapshot store service endpoint http://ip:port  (default "")

1. Environment set up


Once you have these pre-requisites installed, setting up the quickstart environment is as easy as:

$ git clone https://github.com/BBVA/qed.git
$ git checkout v1.0.0-rc2
$ cd qed/deploy/docker
$ docker-compose up -d

This simple environment comprises 3 services: QED Log server, QED Publisher agent, and Snapshot store. You should be able to list these 3 services by typing:

$ docker ps

Once finished the Quickstart section, don’t forget to clean the environment:

$ docker-compose down
$ unalias qed_client

2. Adding events.

In this step the client only interact with the QED server (no snapshot store info is required). The mandatory field here is the event to insert.

So, let’s insert 4 simple events:

$ qed_client add --event "event 0"

Received snapshot with values:

    EventDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b
    HyperDigest: 6a050f12acfc22989a7681f901a68ace8a9a3672428f8a877f4d21568123a0cb
    HistoryDigest: b8fdd4b2146fe560f94d7a48f8bb3eaf6938f7de6ac6d05bbe033787d8b71846
    Version: 0

$ qed_client add --event "event 1"
$ qed_client add --event "event 2"
$ qed_client add --event "event 3"

Received snapshot with values:

    EventDigest: 6c5cd6775eb412207f7f71f11f09047f1475b2b7526063195b777a230fe4c2a6
    HyperDigest: 7bd6cee5eb0b92801ed4ce58c54a76907221bb4e056165679977b16487e5f015
    HistoryDigest: 4f95cd9fd828abe86b092e506bbffd4662d9431c5755d68eed1ba5e5156fdb13
    Version: 3


This operation should return only if it has been completed successfully or not. But currently it returns extra info for debugging/testing purposes.

3. Proof of event insertion.

3.1 Querying proof.

To get this proof we only need the original event. Therefore… has event “event 0” been inserted?

$ qed_client membership --event "event 0"

Querying event [ event 0 ] with latest version

Received membership proof:

    Exists: true
    Hyper audit path: <TRUNCATED>
    History audit path: <TRUNCATED>
    CurrentVersion: 3
    QueryVersion: 3
    ActualVersion: 0
    KeyDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b

Yes! It was inserted in version 0 (ActualVersion), the last event inserted has version 3 (CurrentVersion), and there is a proof for you to check it.


We print proofs as <TRUNCATED> due to these crypthographical proofs are too long and difficult to read.

3.2 Getting snapshots from the snapshot store.

To vefify the proof, we need to look for the right snapshot (it contains “HyperDigest” and “HistoryDigest”, the information needed to verify proofs).

$ qed_client get --version 3

Retreived snapshot with values:

    EventDigest: 6c5cd6775eb412207f7f71f11f09047f1475b2b7526063195b777a230fe4c2a6
    HyperDigest: 7bd6cee5eb0b92801ed4ce58c54a76907221bb4e056165679977b16487e5f015
    HistoryDigest: 4f95cd9fd828abe86b092e506bbffd4662d9431c5755d68eed1ba5e5156fdb13
    Version: 3


The snapshot store is the right place to look for digests, instead of using the output of the step 2.

3.3 Verifying proof (manually).

Having the proof and the necessary information, let’s verify the former. The interactive process will ask you to enter the info previously retrieved.

$ qed_client membership --event "event 0" --verify

Querying event [ event 0 ] with latest version

Received membership proof:

    Exists: true
    Hyper audit path: <TRUNCATED>
    History audit path: <TRUNCATED>
    CurrentVersion: 3
    QueryVersion: 3
    ActualVersion: 0
    KeyDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b

Please, provide the hyperDigest for current version [ 3 ]: 7bd6cee5eb0b92801ed4ce58c54a76907221bb4e056165679977b16487e5f015
Please, provide the historyDigest for version [ 3 ] : 4f95cd9fd828abe86b092e506bbffd4662d9431c5755d68eed1ba5e5156fdb13

Verifying event with:

    EventDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b
    HyperDigest: 7bd6cee5eb0b92801ed4ce58c54a76907221bb4e056165679977b16487e5f015
    HistoryDigest: 4f95cd9fd828abe86b092e506bbffd4662d9431c5755d68eed1ba5e5156fdb13
    Version: 3

Verify: OK

And yes! We can verify the membership of “event 0”.

3.4 Auto-verifying proofs.

This process is similar to the previous one, but we get the snapshots from the snapshot store in a transparent way.

$ qed_client membership --event "event 0" --auto-verify

Querying key [ 0 ] with latest version

Received membership proof:

    Exists: true
    Hyper audit path: <TRUNCATED>
    History audit path: <TRUNCATED>
    CurrentVersion: 3
    QueryVersion: 3
    ActualVersion: 0
    KeyDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b

Auto-Verifying event with:

    EventDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b
    Version: 3

Verify: OK

4. Incremental proof between 2 events.

4.1 Querying proof.

For this proof we don’t need the events, but the QED version in which they were added (you can get both versions by doing membership proofs as above).

$ qed_client incremental --start 0 --end 3

Querying incremental between versions [ 0 ] and [ 3 ]

Received incremental proof:

    Start version: 0
    End version: 3
    Incremental audit path: <TRUNCATED>

4.2 Getting snapshots from the snapshot store.

This process is similar to the one explained in section 2.2. As we need 2 snapshots, we repeat the query for each version.

$ qed_client get --version 0

Retreived snapshot with values:

    EventDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b
    HyperDigest: 6a050f12acfc22989a7681f901a68ace8a9a3672428f8a877f4d21568123a0cb
    HistoryDigest: b8fdd4b2146fe560f94d7a48f8bb3eaf6938f7de6ac6d05bbe033787d8b71846
    Version: 0

$ qed_client get --version 3

Retreived snapshot with values:

    EventDigest: 6c5cd6775eb412207f7f71f11f09047f1475b2b7526063195b777a230fe4c2a6
    HyperDigest: 7bd6cee5eb0b92801ed4ce58c54a76907221bb4e056165679977b16487e5f015
    HistoryDigest: 4f95cd9fd828abe86b092e506bbffd4662d9431c5755d68eed1ba5e5156fdb13
    Version: 3

4.3 Verifying proofs (manually).

To verify the proof manually, the process will ask you to enter the required digests.

$ qed_client incremental --start 0 --end 3 --verify

Querying incremental between versions [ 0 ] and [ 3 ]

Received incremental proof:

    Start version: 0
    End version: 3
    Incremental audit path: <TRUNCATED>

Please, provide the starting historyDigest for version [ 0 ]: b8fdd4b2146fe560f94d7a48f8bb3eaf6938f7de6ac6d05bbe033787d8b71846
Please, provide the ending historyDigest for version [ 3 ] : 4f95cd9fd828abe86b092e506bbffd4662d9431c5755d68eed1ba5e5156fdb13

Verifying with snapshots:
    HistoryDigest for start version [ 0 ]: b8fdd4b2146fe560f94d7a48f8bb3eaf6938f7de6ac6d05bbe033787d8b71846
    HistoryDigest for end version [ 3 ]: 4f95cd9fd828abe86b092e506bbffd4662d9431c5755d68eed1ba5e5156fdb13

Verify: OK

4.4 Auto-verifying proofs.

This process is similar to the previous one, but we get the snapshots from the snapshot store in a transparent way.

$ qed_client incremental --start 0 --end 3 --auto-verify

Querying incremental between versions [ 0 ] and [ 3 ]

Received incremental proof:

    Start version: 0
    End version: 3
    Incremental audit path: <TRUNCATED>

Auto-Verifying event with:

    Start: 0
    End: 3

Verify: OK