Cluster mode

This section will guide you through QED cluster features.

Here, you will check cluster information, add events, and query proofs in a cluster environment (against more than one QED server).

For this functionality we will use the QED CLI facility. The client will talk to the QED servers, so it must be configured for that proposal.


To use qed_client command using docker (and forget about installing golang -among other stuff-), do the following:

$ alias qed_client='docker run -it --net=docker_default bbvalabs/qed:v1.0.0-rc2 qed client --log info'

Don’t hesitate to check qed_client help command when necessary.

1. Environment set up


Once you have these pre-requisites installed, setting up the required environment is as easy as:

$ git clone
$ cd qed/deploy/docker
$ docker-compose -f cluster-mode.yml up -d

This environment comprises three QED Log server services: qed_server_0 will be the cluster leader, while qed_server_1 and qed_server_2 will be followers. You should be able to list these service by typing:

$ docker ps

Once finished the cluster-mode section, don’t forget to clean the environment:

$ docker-compose -f cluster-mode.yml down
$ unalias qed_client

2. Checking cluster information.

QED servers have a shard information endpoint that returns how is the cluster formed. Here we use curl to ask for this information, since there is no command for this.

Here we will ask qed_server_0 (notice that “nodeID: server0”), but you can try another nodes:

$ curl -sS -H "Api-key:my-key" http://localhost:8800/info/shards | python -m json.tool

    "nodeId": "server0",
    "leaderId": "server0",
    "uriScheme": "http",
    "shards": {
        "server0": {
            "nodeId": "server0",
            "httpAddr": "qed_server_0:8800"
        "server1": {
            "nodeId": "server1",
            "httpAddr": "qed_server_1:8800"
        "server2": {
            "nodeId": "server2",
            "httpAddr": "qed_server_2:8800"

$ curl -sS -H "Api-key:my-key" http://localhost:8801/info/shards | python -m json.tool  # For qed_server_1
$ curl -sS -H "Api-key:my-key" http://localhost:8802/info/shards | python -m json.tool  # For qed_server_2

Servers information is shared between QED servers via Raft. Once a server joins the cluster (vía cluster leader), it shares its information and receive others. Servers interchange information also when a server leaves the cluster, or when leader changes.

3. Adding events.

Only QED cluster leader accepts insertions.

qed_client is configured by default to discover the cluster topology (using the above information), identify which server is the cluster leader, and send requests directly to this server.

$ qed_client --endpoints http://qed_server_0:8800,http://qed_server_1:8800,http://qed_server_2:8800 add --event "event 0"

Received snapshot with values:

EventDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b
HistoryDigest: b8fdd4b2146fe560f94d7a48f8bb3eaf6938f7de6ac6d05bbe033787d8b71846
HyperDigest: 6a050f12acfc22989a7681f901a68ace8a9a3672428f8a877f4d21568123a0cb
Version: 0

Notice that given just 1 endpoint is enough to discover the cluster topology, and the cluster leader (qed_server_0).

$ qed_client --endpoints http://qed_server_1:8800 add --event "event 1"

$ qed_client --endpoints http://qed_server_2:8800 add --event "event 2"

4. Querying membership proof.

Proofs can be asked to any cluster member.

$ qed_client --endpoints http://qed_server_0:8800 membership --event "event 0"

Querying key [ event 0 ] with latest version

Received membership proof:

Exists: true
Hyper audit path: <TRUNCATED>
History audit path: <TRUNCATED>
CurrentVersion: 2
QueryVersion: 2
ActualVersion: 2
KeyDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b

$ qed_client --endpoints http://qed_server_1:8800 membership --event "event 0"
$ qed_client --endpoints http://qed_server_2:8800 membership --event "event 0"

5. Shutting down a server

Here we will stop the QED cluster leader to force a leader election.

$ docker stop qed_server_0

6. Repeat steps 2-4 several times.

Check that shard information has been modified, and remember that qed_server_0 will not work.