Backup and Restore

This section will guide you through QED backup and restore functionalities.


Here, you will create backups, list backups, and delete backups by interacting to the QED management API (not the same API as the one used in the QuickStart section).

For the backup functionality we will use the backup QED CLI facility. The backup client will talk to the QED server, so it must be configured for that proposal. To add events, we will use the same client as in QuickStart.


To use qed_backup and qed_client command using docker (and forget about installing golang -among other stuff-), do the following:

$ alias qed_client='docker run -it --net=docker_default bbvalabs/qed:v1.0.0-rc2 qed client --endpoints http://qed_server_0:8800 --snapshot-store-url http://snapshotstore:8888 --log info'

$ alias qed_backup='docker run -it --net=docker_default bbvalabs/qed:v1.0.0-rc2 qed backup --endpoint http://qed_server_0:8700 --log info'

Don’t hesitate to check both qed_backup and qed_client help commands when necessary.

$ qed_backup -h
$ qed_backup <command> -h  # Where command=(create, list, delete)

1. Environment set up


Once you have these pre-requisites installed, setting up the required environment is as easy as:

$ git clone
$ cd qed/deploy/docker
$ docker-compose -f backup-restore.yml up -d

This environment is not similar to the QuickStart’s one. It comprises 1 service: QED Log server. To test backup/restore functionality we do not need any other service but this one. Moreover, now the DB folder of Qed Log server is mapped to a host temporal folder, to be used later in the restore section. You should be able to list this service by typing:

$ docker ps

Once finished the backup&restore section, don’t forget to clean the environment:

$ docker-compose -f backup-restore.yml down
$ unalias qed_client
$ unalias qed_backup

2. Adding events.

Similarly to QuickStart guide, let’s insert 2 events:

$ for i in {0..1}; do qed_client add --event "event $i"; done

Received snapshot with values:

EventDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b
HyperDigest: 6a050f12acfc22989a7681f901a68ace8a9a3672428f8a877f4d21568123a0cb
HistoryDigest: b8fdd4b2146fe560f94d7a48f8bb3eaf6938f7de6ac6d05bbe033787d8b71846
Version: 0

Received snapshot with values:

EventDigest: fb378474af5953bec611fcb2602c5b61271c1f233b60c0adba76d5d6f47a50c4
HyperDigest: 15814ee2f820da9c126fc740d5b4de034d250a3f5fe6e58ab5616026cb65b3dd
HistoryDigest: ae6fe0b70e09b12eeea3bc2cb923d239d184a2b30a578e201ad952e2e9a405f2
Version: 1

3. Creating backups.

$ qed_backup create

Backup created!

The version of the last inserted event is stored into the backup metadata.

4. Listing backups.

$ qed_backup list

Backup list:
Id: 1       Timestamp: 2019-07-17T13:13:26  Version: 1      Size(GB): 0     Num.Files: 4

5. Repeat steps 2-4 several times.

$ for i in {2..3}; do qed_client add --event "event $i"; done
$ qed_backup create
$ for i in {4..5}; do qed_client add --event "event $i"; done
$ qed_backup create
$ qed_backup list

Backup list:
Id: 1       Timestamp: 2019-07-17T13:13:26  Version: 1      Size(GB): 0     Num.Files: 4
Id: 2       Timestamp: 2019-07-17T13:13:40  Version: 3      Size(GB): 0     Num.Files: 4
Id: 3       Timestamp: 2019-07-17T13:13:54  Version: 5      Size(GB): 0     Num.Files: 4

6. Deleting backups.

$ qed_backup delete --backup-id=1

Backup deleted!

$ qed_backup list

Backup list:
Id: 2       Timestamp: 2019-07-17T13:13:40  Version: 3      Size(GB): 0     Num.Files: 4
Id: 3       Timestamp: 2019-07-17T13:13:54  Version: 5      Size(GB): 0     Num.Files: 4


Here, you just will restore a QED log server state from a previous backup, being able to choose the latest backup (by default) or a certain backup ID to recover from (see IDs above).

1. Environment set up.

To simulate a new QED log server, let’s destroy the current environment and create a new one from scratch. To destroy the environment, just do:

$ cd qed/deploy/docker
$ docker-compose down

Remember that we saved the backups folder in a host path. So let’s check that the folder has backup information.

$ tree /tmp/backups/

├── meta
│   ├── 2
│   └── 3
├── private
│   ├── 2
│   │   ├── 000003.log
│   │   ├── CURRENT
│   │   ├── MANIFEST-000004
│   │   └── OPTIONS-000014
│   └── 3
│       ├── 000003.log
│       ├── CURRENT
│       ├── MANIFEST-000004
│       └── OPTIONS-000014
└── shared

There are information of backups 2 and 3 as expected (we deleted backup 1 before).

To create a new environment from scratch, just do:

$ docker-compose -f backup-restore.yml up -d

Finally, let’s check that the “event 0” is not present in the new QED log server.

$ qed_client membership --event "event 0"

Querying event [ event 0 ] with latest version

Received membership proof:

    Exists: false
    Hyper audit path: <TRUNCATED>
    History audit path: <TRUNCATED>
    CurrentVersion: 18446744073709551615
    QueryVersion: 18446744073709551615
    ActualVersion: 18446744073709551615
    KeyDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b

Notice that the event does not exist.

2. Restore process.

Get into the QED log server:

$ docker exec -it qed_server_0 /bin/bash

Restore backup 2, from the interal docker backup folder, to the interal docker path where the DB is:

$ qed restore --backup-dir "/var/tmp/qed0/db/backups/" --restore-path "/var/tmp/qed0/db/" --backup-id 2 --log info

Exit the QED server, and restart the container to make QED server aware of the restored DB.

$ exit
$ docker restart qed_server_0

3. Check event membersip.

Event 0 (and up to event 3) should be there:

$ qed_client membership --event "event 0"

Querying key [ event 0 ] with latest version

Received membership proof:

Exists: true
Hyper audit path: <TRUNCATED>
History audit path: <TRUNCATED>
CurrentVersion: 3
QueryVersion: 3
ActualVersion: 0
KeyDigest: 5beeaf427ee0bfcd1a7b6f63010f2745110cf23ae088b859275cd0aad369561b

But event 4 should not:

$ qed_client membership --event "event 4"

Querying key [ event 4 ] with latest version

Received membership proof:

Exists: false
Hyper audit path: <TRUNCATED>
History audit path: <TRUNCATED>
CurrentVersion: 3
QueryVersion: 3
ActualVersion: 3
KeyDigest: 2d245d477b973c0895afc098b46762967f728e5aec8555d81ceaf1996d4c33e0


Try restoring other backups and checking the membership of other events.

(repeat step 2 and 3 with different values)